Charging VAT before receiving a VAT number
A business has recently hit the VAT registration threshold and duly completed the necessary forms. However, they have still not received their VAT number. Now a customer is refusing to pay the VAT element of their invoice. What should be done here?
Two homes - maximising private residence relief
If a person owns a second home they can choose whether it or their normal home receives capital gains tax private residence relief (PRR). As strict conditions apply, what steps can maximise relief?
The importance of sound expenses procedures
Naturally, employers want to keep costs down and having a robust system for checking employee expense claims should be part of that regime. What are the requirements to meet HMRC’s standards?
Selling shares back to the issuing company
The executors of a shareholder’s estate are required to sell their shares to the company’s other shareholders. The trouble is they can’t afford to. The company can buy them instead but this increases the tax cost. Is there a way around this?
Maximising the benefit of gift aid
Gift aid can provide a valuable tax break for higher or additional rate taxpayers. With coronavirus affecting many of them, what additional points should people be looking out for in the wake of the coronavirus
Reminder for companies to include grants on returns
HMRC has published new guidance to companies about the taxation and reporting of coronavirus support payments. What steps should companies take to ensure that the tax return is correct?
Muir & Addy is a partnership registered to carry out audit work by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland (ICAI). Chartered Accountants Ireland is the operating name of ICAI.
Details of our audit registration can be viewed at, under reference number 223287.