Reclaiming VAT on a garden office
The pandemic has led to a huge increase in homeworking. If a house is not suited to office working, the proprietor might decide to build a home office in the garden. But can they claim input tax on the associated building costs?
Delay in challenging repeated sickness meant dismissal was unfair
An employment tribunal has ruled that an employee who was dismissed after missing 808 shifts and receiving nearly £100K in sick pay was unfairly dismissed. How was this possible, and how can employers avoid a similar situation?
Tax-efficient income from a personal company
There are broadly three ways to extract income from a company but none of them is singularly the most tax efficient. What factors should participators be considering when deciding which one to use?
Coronavirus: tax treatment of post-cessation grant money
How should coronavirus support payments be taxed if they are paid after a business ceases?
What are the tax implications of an employer paying for a employee's electric car charging point located at their house?
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