Practical Guides
Practical guide: are family investment companies still efficient?
With the hike in the corporation tax rate to 25% from 1 April 2023, as well as personal tax changes, is the strategy of holding investments through a family investment company still a tax-efficient solution for wealth accumulation and distribution?
Practical guide: does entertainment need reporting on your P11D?
Your firm occasionally provides entertainment to employees. The HR department want advice to ensure they correctly report anything that is taxable, and to take advantage of any exemptions to minimise the liability. What should they know?
Practical guide: Is incorporation still worthwhile?
Following months of uncertainty, the Autumn Statement finally clarified what changes affecting small company owners’ profit extraction would be retained. What were the key points, and is incorporation still worthwhile for growing businesses?
Practical guide: are shares an alternative to paying cash bonuses?
ABC Limited is a company that usually pays an annual cash bonus to its key employees. However, the CEO has asked whether using share-based remuneration would be better given the current economic outlook. What are the tax implications?
Practical guide: VAT savings with a margin scheme
Your business might make big profits from selling second-hand goods online. If you account for VAT on the full selling price, are you aware that you could save tax by using a margin scheme instead?
Practical guide: CGT advice for separating couples
Mr and Mrs A are married, but separated amicably in January 2022. How might forthcoming changes in the capital gains tax rules for separating couples help them here?
Muir & Addy is a partnership registered to carry out audit work by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland (ICAI). Chartered Accountants Ireland is the operating name of ICAI.
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