Directors’ remuneration - avoiding HMRC penalties
The timing of HMRC payroll reporting for employees is straightforward. However, for directors’ salaries etc. special rules can mean you need to send a report to HMRC sooner than you might think. What are the trigger points for reporting?
Company loan v company credit card
As a director shareholder, borrowing cash from your company can trigger tax charges for both you and it. To avoid these a colleague has suggested that it’s more tax efficient to obtain a company credit card and use that instead. Is she correct?
The trading allowance - something for nothing?
If you earn a little income on the side, the trading allowance can exempt it from tax or reduce the amount payable. What types of income does it apply to and how does it work?
Save tax with pedal power
With summer on the way some of your workers have asked whether you would consider starting a cycle-to-work scheme. Is there a simple way to set one up?
Disincorporation - is it worth it?
Your business has suffered a dip in the last couple of years and you’re looking to downsize. As part of the process you want to close your company and operate as a sole trader instead. What are the tax consequences?
Company income sharing for couples
You’re getting married soon and to save tax you want your partner to receive a share of the dividends from your company. Should you transfer some of your shares or should your company issue your partner with new shares?
Muir & Addy is a partnership registered to carry out audit work by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Ireland (ICAI). Chartered Accountants Ireland is the operating name of ICAI.
Details of our audit registration can be viewed at, under reference number 223287.