Unexpected repayment return: do you need to do anything?
Your business always pays VAT on its returns. The current period shows a repayment is due from HMRC. What checks should you do before submitting the return and how will HMRC deal with this unusual claim?
Start planning now to reduce IHT on pension savings
One of the big changes announced in the Budget was that from April 2027 a person’s pension savings that remain when they die will be subject to inheritance tax. How will this work and are there steps you can take to mitigate the extra tax?
No HICBC reform: a closer look
The 2024 Autumn Budget made headlines for a number of reasons, but behind the flagship announcements was an important confirmation that planned reforms to how families are subject to the child benefit clawback will be scrapped. What’s the full story?
Employers' NI rate hike: mitigating the extra cost
The news that employers' NI is to increase next year was all but known before last week's Budget. However, there were some unexpected "ifs" and "buts" to consider too. What's the full story?
Small businesses braced for extra capital gains tax burden
The 2024 Autumn Budget included a number of capital gains tax (CGT) announcements, including increases to the main rates. But why will small business owners be feeling particularly targeted?
2024 Autumn Budget: the highlights
Today we had the first Labour budget since 2010. What are the key takeaways?
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